Heavy Duty Granulator HD-6C

The HD-6C is specifically designed to reduce dust and fines. Granulators naturally produce dust, especially with dull knives and improper knife gap. Dust is greatly reduced with the HD-6C. A three-bladed rotor is used to “shear” material instead of “take a bite” out of the material. The dairy package of this model is especially popular.

The air separator hopper is available with multiple inlet arrangements as listed below.

# of InletsNONE12311
SizeBlank Plate10” Square10” Square10” Square12” Square12” Square RH

# of Inlets1+121121
Size(1) 12” Square
& (1) 10”
12” Square10” Outer Dia.11” Outer Dia.11 ½ Inner Dia.12” Outer Dia.